Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Program Officer: Communication and Environment Education
Mr. Thanh joined CED in August 2014 right after college. At CED, he specializes in designing, analyzing and conducting activities related to environmental science, education, and communication. With a huge passion for information technology, he is involved in managing project websites, coordinating with CED’s IT service providers and providing in-house IT support for CED’s offices as needed. He also is an amateur photographer and designer, and conducts media activities for projects at CED. In addition to this, he is responsible for analyzing data for project reports and publications. In the last few years he has worked on these areas in the following projects: Microsoft YouthSpark, Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VPA/FLEGT), Promoting private sector engagement in the VPA process, Developing a Sustainable Civil Society Sector in Vietnam, Strengthening public-private partnerships for disaster risk management and community resilience in Vietnam (DRM), The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE), and Learning Across Borders (LAB). As part of the GLOBE project, he was a trainer in the Globe Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper software.
Mr. Thanh holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Hanoi University of Agriculture, is a fast learner and is eager to acquire knowledge related to the environmental sector.
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